I've had another Goodwill project waiting for me in my garage for a few months now. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it at first, but finally I decided to make a little homegrown fabric art for my littlest son.
I bought this frame for $2.95! Do you KNOW how much frames cost in the store?? This was ridiculously cheap. Of course, I bet my husband thought it was $2.95 too much when he saw it in the garage. Ugly, right?

I turned it into this with the help of a little fire engine red spray paint and some fabric scraps I had on hand. If you don't have fabric, paper would be just cute as can be and not so "stringy". Again, like all my projects, I'm not sure I'm in love with it yet. I love the IDEA of it, but I think the yellow and striped car doesn't have enough contrast with the polka dot background. But, like all my projects, I have a feeling that even though I hung it of reach, the littlest one will find a way to tear it up. It's not that he MEANS to tear things up, it's just he's so curious. But it looks happy in his room, and he told me he likes it. And that's all that matters. So don't be hater if you don't like it!
The moral of this story, though, is to go by the Goodwill BEFORE you head to the store looking for a picture frame, lamp, or other whatnots. You might not find what you want, but you don't know unless you try!