I buy my meat "clean".
I buy hormone free dairy products.
I'm reducing my dependency on chemical cleaning products. Love me some vinegar.
I don't buy highly processed foods, unless of course the kids are with me and I have a moment of weakness.
I bake my own bread.
But pour the chemicals and toxins directly to my hair because it makes me feel like a brand new woman.
#28 on my 32 Things list complete! I wish I was a great photographer so I could show you how fantastic my hair cut is, but sadly I can barely show you the great colors that are there. Just trust me, it's an awesome cut, my favorite so far ever. And I've had some good cuts.
I buy hormone free dairy products.
I'm reducing my dependency on chemical cleaning products. Love me some vinegar.
I don't buy highly processed foods, unless of course the kids are with me and I have a moment of weakness.
I bake my own bread.
But pour the chemicals and toxins directly to my hair because it makes me feel like a brand new woman.
#28 on my 32 Things list complete! I wish I was a great photographer so I could show you how fantastic my hair cut is, but sadly I can barely show you the great colors that are there. Just trust me, it's an awesome cut, my favorite so far ever. And I've had some good cuts.