oh, don't worry, the happy kids didn't stay that way for long. the happy times around here aren't over until someone ends up crying....or yelling. the big kids are home for a month long break from school and not everyone is enjoying it. ian who is used to having the run of the house all day is having a little difficulty with the adjusting. caleb and natalie are used to spending the day with same age peers and aren't used to a little one's antics. but, see, i like to place only the happy pictures on my blog to put forth the false the notion that my kids always get along, never misbehave, rarely yell, and that i don't have to make up rules like no stabbing people with knives. (no fear, it was just a butter knife and no, no one in this family watches stuff like that on tv, including me. so please don't assume i let my kids watch violence on tv! i promise! we don't even have cable!) it's better to pretend that it's all puppy dogs and rainbows and happy kids. i like to live in my delusional world.