Wednesday, December 10

cookie houses

Growing up my mom and I would make gingerbread houses. We'd make the gingerbread cookies and cut them just so. It was a lot of fun and made for some great memories. Now, I make houses with my own children. Except, this mama makes things easy! I mean, really, my kids are so young they just want to do the decorating and the sneaking of candy into their little mouths. I don't like to buy those gingerbread kits, because you never know if those were left over from last year's supply, plus it takes the creativity out of it. We like to pick out our own candy.

So for several years now, we use graham crackers as our "gingerbread" for the houses. That way you get right down to the fun stuff! My kids did a great job on our houses this year. My favorite is the little snowman my son made! One day when they are bigger I might want to challenge us to create it from actual gingerbread, but right now since is just more fun.

I remember one year when my daughter was two, our cookie house kept "mysteriously" losing the candies. By Christmas, the house had pockmarks from where she had snagged the candy off! :)


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